Saturday, July 15, 2017

2017 Wk 28 - Where was I?

Where was I indeed?  A girly weekend in Italy went and changed itself into ten days viral infection (so I saw nothing of Bologna, but plenty of the Air B'n'B apartment, especially the bed!)  I didn't even want to to read, watch TV or even pick up needle and thread!!!!

But I'm back to almost what counts as normal, and back in the sewing room!

Today we had Crafty Church - so much inspiration - so many things I want to try

This awesome colour changing 'cake'

Some blocks for a long term sample quilt

A pink heart heart for a new baby girl

Many hands making light work of a disobedient sewing machine

A cardigan and a jumper under construction

And a crocheted pineapple - of course!

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