Saturday, February 12, 2022

2022 Week 6


thanks for coming to the new blog!!

This week I have been crocheting . . .  (no idea why the bottom line isn't straight) I'm loving the colours in this wool

I've been having a go at making an Eton School boy Ginger

I've finished one of two I-spy quilts for Tara

I designed and stitched a daffodil / spring Ginger 

The finished Granny Square quilt is now on the spare bed with it's 'parent'!

And I've finished the alteration to the patchwork jacket mum made me years ago

1 comment:

  1. Well done with the patchwork jacket! No one would know it had been altered, brilliant!
    Love the spring Ginger too!
    Barbara xx


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2025 February

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