Saturday, May 27, 2017

2017 Wk 21 - Mostly Embroidery

The embroidery machine has been earning its keep today. The handyman needed two more sweatshirts, and had shown the first ones to a couple of friends . . . Could I also please . . . for two friends
I'm actually not very pleased with these, so I'll do some tweaks tomorrow
Next weekend I'm away with friends (friends from my first job - 14 years at a bank) and one of them has asked for some more luggage tags:
In between hooping and trimming the embroideries I've been using some ultra bright. Next month I'm going away with another group of friends, from another job - we all worked at the village school together, and 14 of our children were all within 4 years of each other. We've been going away together every year for I think15 years! This year it's a summer trip, and we all like cold water, so I've made insulated bottle holders for us all
And post-assembly
I made bags for one trip with this group, and have made patches for each trip to sew onto the bags. I'm a bit behind, so as well as Gibraltar patches (2015) I've made the Kraków badges for 2016. I couldn't decide whether to do the dogs or dogs on patches, so in the end I made both and they can choose!
And hopefully another sewing day tomorrow! For those of you in the UK I hope you enjoy the long weekend

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2024 November

I'm working on a great project with Chertsey Museum: they have been collecting memories of Chertsey Hospital, including inviting people ...