Saturday, October 22, 2016

The one where we've nearly made a dress

My Lisa has no idea of her limits and abilities! She (who has never done dressmaking) bought a pattern for a dress. She bought everything she needed (thanks to the help of the lady in the shop) and plans to wear the dress to a wedding mid November

A dress with a 7 piece bodice and 7 piece skirt (lined with another 14 pieces) and with a sort of rouched bra. I'm not great at dress making, but can cobble a simple pattern together - but faced with pieces like this one I knew we had to call in reinforcements!


Or one specific reinforcement! My mum!

 Three of us worked for most of the day . . .

 but it was worth it

 A bit more work to do, but having got this far Lisa and I should be able to finish it - thanks mum


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