Tuesday, February 17, 2015

While I was Quilting

Yes, I actually did some quilting! Every few weeks I meet with ladies from a couple of local churches, and we chat and sew. For a few sessions we have been joining triangles and making squares, now we are joining squares to make strips.
So far there are five strips added to a fleece blanket. Some of the sewing is less, um, *sturdy* than ideal, so I have decided to quilt this one for added stability.

I'm using a variegated thread, and quilting free range lines at roughly 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 into each strip. 

It looks red and green here, but there is yellow and blue there too

While I was quilting, I had the embroidery machine going too: lots of button key rings for the craft sale at the Richmond & Kew quilt show later this year.

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