Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Lighthouse, and Lisa

Do you have a favourite Lighthouse?  I confess it's not something I have given much thought about, but some people do! - And there is a genetic link, so who knows what is waiting in my future!

My Father asked me to make him a Lighthouse quilt.  It came about because he's seen a quilt of lighthouse blocks (I guess a BOM type) and really liked it, but couldn't get the kit.  My mind started playing with some ideas, and I  bought a variety of fabrics that I thought would work,  but then his plan evolved -  I was handed a book: Pacific and Northwest Lighthouses . . .

. . . And told his favourite lighthouse was Cape Flattery in Washington.  The book had a photo with far too many angles

And another that shows it's actually a distance from the sea, both vertically and horizontally

So I needed more inspiration - so my next visit was, where else but Pinterest!

OK, so the area looks beautiful, but nothing much to inspire me, until I see this piece of art

So far, this is what my version looks like

(Yes I know the buildings are floating at the moment, sand fabric on order)

And an update on Lisa - she's renting a room in a a shared house in Melbourne, and spending her days looking for work . . .  and crocheting granny squares

(And she sent me this photo - her room mate Ryan trying to work out the best arrangement of the squares!)

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