Sunday, January 29, 2017

2017 Wk 4 - Mostly Machine Embroidery (and crochet)

I haven't done any sewing this weekend: still recovering from the lurgy, and assorting picking up and putting away requirements, but I did manage to stitch out two customers' orders, and do some designing for Amo

First I'm sharing Lisa's finished crochet  blanket - isn't it fab!!!

A friend asked for luggage tags for her and her husband: easily done

And the Scouts wanted badges for the scouts, cubs, brownies and guides that delivered Christmas post in the lead to Christmas - another easy project

Amo send me a couple of logos to see if I could do anything with them.  The rainbow will be difficult to design and to stitch, so I've done that one as an applique in the hope she can find the right rainbow fabric.  She has an embroidery machine but not the software to create designs

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