Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 Wk 2 - mostly Kids Crafts

We hosted a Kids' Crafty Church this afternon, and girls from 4 lovely families joined us. We had girls knitting, sewing and playing with pipe cleaners.

Daisy's loom knitting grew from this to this in just an hour - not bad for a 9 year old!!!!

While her sisters stitched these


Jess also had a go at loom knitting - a bigger loom takes longer to grow but she's doing great!

Georgia tried the knitting but went back to sewing - some lovely blanket stitch there


And little Isla had great fun with pipe cleaners - with a bit of help from Grandad


And in other news . . . look what I've been asked to rehome!


I just have to make sense of the instruction book!


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