Thursday, July 4, 2024

2024 June

 Welcome my monthly furtle: "Noun. furtle (plural furtles) (chiefly UK) A cursory examination of the contents or details of something."

(Every day is a school day!)

Here comes lots of photos and a few words (do you remember when  you took a photo, waited until you'd taken 24, walked to the chemists, waited a few weeks and then got real photos, in your hand?)

No on that here - a few snaps from my phone to (probably) your phone just like that!

I'm not sure when you last saw my garden?  The unwanted grassy patch has been dug up and replaced with shingle

The plats grew like triffids while we were away

And the raspberries are delicious!

The bit between Brian's grass garden and my bonus garden is still looking a bit sad though

So lets just look at it from the far end, at dusk - so pretty!

I've been crocheting, and the ball was annoying, so Brian came up with a bodge.  I'm trying to make a jumper, so far I have a back and a front, watch this space

I bought a fluffy big jumper in the sale, reckoning I could unpick the peace sign

but bizarrely the peace sign is knitted into the front, despite there being more knitting behind it so in unpicking it I'm left with live stitches.  Drat, another project in the to-be-sorted pile!

However, this was in the "to-be-sorted" pile and has now gone.  It was possibly going to a charity, or to be made into bookends, but has now been swapped (along with some crisp twenties) with a metal worker in the next village . . . 

. . . as he had made this 

Isn't it fabulous!!!!  You understand that I HAD to have it!

1 comment:

  1. That new shingle garden looks fab - bet it's lovely to sit and craft in when the weather is playing nicely! And your raspberries look incredible - as does the yarn holder table! Well done all! xx


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2024 December

 Happy New Year I hope you had a lovely Christmas My December in pictures looks like this:  Lisa and I are working on a quilt for Niki and G...