Monday, August 16, 2021

2021 Week 33

 A few Gingers this week : I was asked to do one as a mascot for the local lunch club (they already have one for their coffee morning)

National Photography week came and went so a Ginger supported that under the Craftivism hashtag, along with Read a Book week

and our neighbouring village has a village "Garden Party" (church fayre) coming up soon,  with a theme of HatLand - everyone has been asked to wear a hat - I made this one as a raffle prize - the Ginger who can't decide what hat to wear!!

I made a nappy clutch for a friend's daughter and she asked me to make another one for her niece - my side kick is stuck in Ireland so I had to Make. It. On. My. Own - shock horror!!!  It's not quite straight and the corners are square not rounded and I totally made up the Velcro bit and the number of pockets . . .  but it's made and posted to her anyway!  Let's hope she likes it!

Another friend has commissioned an I-spy quilt for each of her 8 great niblings - I love that word even though no on else seems to use it! (

And now one of the nieces has announced another baby is under construction - so here is quilt number 9!  Just waiting for the name

I finally got back to the hairdressers after 12 months - it really was like straw at the ends!  4" hacked off and the very faded pink replaced by a subtle purple!!!

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2024 November

I'm working on a great project with Chertsey Museum: they have been collecting memories of Chertsey Hospital, including inviting people ...