Saturday, November 3, 2018

2018 Wk 44 - Teaching Families

I taught a family learning class today - each child using a pair of jeans as a starting point and seeing how they could recycle them into something else.- I really don't know why I make up samples as the kids are SO much better at coming up with ideas!

Bu no - we had a 10 year old making a summer top using pink jeans as side panels

Another one making a teddy bear

And a fab glove puppet

Along with monsters


and shoulder bags with attitude

I thought that would be the end of my jeans stash . . . but clearly not!

And now home to a pile of Football hoodies to be embroidered

and a bigger pile of school sweatshirts - I might be finished by Christmas!

However, 'Im Indoors has finally pulled his finger out, and has hung a bar for a headrest quilt

and hooks for a pole for a wall quilt - just as soon as I find a pole I'll be putting My Small World up

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