Friday, January 26, 2018

2018 Wk 5 time to sew??

Its been a bit of  a struggle to find time to sew, although this weekend is looking promising.  To get myself back in the swing of things I *might* have popped in to Helen's to buy a little bit of fabric (possibly just over eight meters, but lets not dwell on that!!!!)

There has been some making - the never ending embroidery (for the preschool and the scouts)

a taggie for a new grandma at church (well obviously not for her, but you know what I mean)

and a lot of boring agendas and minutes

The sewing room is starting to feel like home (husband has been invited to share but so far hasn't shown any interest so I'm kind of filling 'his' area!!)

And the the Days For Girls ladies had a really productive morning - some of our early shields didn’t pass muster with the charity but aren’t being wasted - one of our ladies is off to The Gambia next week and will take a dozen kits with her

And apologies if I haven’t been to *your* blog for a while - I’ll be there soon - In one week’s time I go down to 4 days a week at work which will give me some time to return to the creative world!!

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