Saturday, December 2, 2017

2017 Wk 48 Show & Tell and Chertsey and Kitties

Last month at Chertsey Museum we made sewing wraps. They didn't get finished at the session but lots got finished since. They have all done an incredible job, don't you think!

Yesterday we made the EPP Christmas Stars. Val got the furthest with hers, but the others were all doing well, so there should be a good collection in January.

I made them all scissor cones as a Christmas pressie - they seemed to go down well

The girls, having always had cats at home, have decided that their house is not a home without kitties - so although there are no Grandchildren on the horizon, I have two Grandkitties!!! Meet these two unnamed kitten! (Known as Terrified and Sh1t Scared at the moment!)

Husband has been working on my computer, so to keep him company I have been stitching scraps together and made them a few kitty quilts that they might like.

I've also progressed the zippy pouches a bit.

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2024 November

I'm working on a great project with Chertsey Museum: they have been collecting memories of Chertsey Hospital, including inviting people ...