Tuesday, March 25, 2025

2025 February

 Oooops: this only just snuck in as a February post: in a few days it will be April!

The completed quilt for St Peter's hospital has been installed with the current museum exhibition

The lovely Stephanie led a class on teddy bears at the museum: this chap is about 4" tall when standing

I did Gingers for World Chips day

And some ready for Mothering Sunday

I did an astronomer for a Facebook post about several planets lining up

and I made half a dozen cheeky monkeys for a friend who is a stress councillor and works with children

But the best thing of all this month hasn't been started yet.

I have a lovely friend, Sharon, who makes the most amazing quilts, very different to my style.

A few months ago she sent our crafty group a message that she was going to start this applique quilt

I love, love, LOVE it but there was no way I was going to cut out all those pieces - only a lunatic would do that

She turned up on my door with the instructions; the template enlarged to actual size; and Every ... Single ... Piece ... backed with bondaweb and laser cut, and bagged

I hope you understand that I was SPEECHLESS!  I have booked the village hall on Friday so Lisa and I can start playing using large tables

Love you Sharon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe there is a world chips day! Your quilt for St Peter's hospital looks great and the mandela quilt is going to be amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing how you put it all together :)


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2025 February

 Oooops: this only just snuck in as a February post: in a few days it will be April! The completed quilt for St Peter's hospital has bee...