Wednesday, August 7, 2024

2024 July

Welcome to my July in photos: also known as The Wedding Month

I didn't have much to make for Niki's wedding, so I could make fun things.  I made 50m of white bunting (that I never got a photo of!)

I made sashes for the bridesmaids as they weren't wearing traditional bridesmaid dresses

So I could make Gingers for them too!!!!

I made sashes for the Bride and Groom . . . 

. . .  for the same reason

"Most" of them wore their sashes 😂

I made a Guest Book by sectioning cotton lawn into 7" squares and providing fabric pens


And I finished the binding while watching Dirty Dancing - a perfect combo!

I think most people signed it

Chertsey Museum saw us making felt cottage pin cushions, and Peter Rabbit came in for Show and Tell from last month

A few photos from the wedding: I resisted the temptation to show you ALL of them!

The following week I booked myself in for a few classes at Gerrard's Cross Summer School - I can thoroughly recommend it if you are local.  I did needle felting . . .

. . . Silver Clay jewellery . . .

. . . and then willow weaving (prizes will be offered for anyone who can correctly guess what the middle one is!)

The Coffee Morning / Stitch and Crafty Church regulars decorated the hall for the borough's Gardens in Bloom

And then at the end of the month I had a playdate with our youngest Great Niece: in 24 hours we did (deep breath) lots of needle felting, kit sewing, colouring, bag making, weaving, waffle making, embroidery design on the computer and stitching a cat in a box (which was too shy to have a pic taken!)




I was exhausted but looking forward to her coming again!!!

2024 August

 Hello again from my corner of the blogiverse The ladies at Chertsey museum took the idea of mini dwellings as pin cushions and really went ...