Wednesday, November 23, 2022

2022 November Block Special

Richmond and Kew quilters had a great Easy Stack workshop last Saturday run by Paula Doyle.  It's not my place top share her method, but you can see loads of inspirational photos on our FB page.

I'll show you my blocks later, but Paula also showed us how to easily make a 4 patch so I wanted to show you while I remember

Lay out the 4 pieces as you want them to end up.

Numbering them in this pattern

1 2
3 4

fold 2 onto 1, and 4 onto 3 and stitch them: do not cut the thread between, just keep going from the top pair to the bottom pair with a few chain stitches between.  Think of these seams as seam 1

See the chain stitches - leave this intact

Now pivot anti clockwise and flip 3/4 onto 1/2, and stitch.  This is seam 2

Flip over and the question now is how to press?

Snip open the chain stitches, and tug a little to unto the new few stitches (these are the stitches from the chain part of seam 1 to where they have been stitched over by seam 2, probably just 2 or 3 stitches)

You can then fold each seam anticlockwise and have this cute little baby 4 patch in the middle.  This means all your seams are ready to snuggle together when you start joining your 4 patches to each other!

Friday, November 4, 2022

2022 October

 Welcome to a quick whiz through my October: not quite in chronological order that's to Bloogers random processes, but here we go!

We had a "World CafĂ©" even at the community coffee morning - loads of people came.  The preschool is collecting children's pyjamas for a charity that wants to give a new pair to every child in hospital over Christmas.  Three of us wore of PJs for the coffee morning to promote it (we collected 18 pairs!)


I have finally finished my poncho shawl thing: a bit bigger than I expected, and rather warm, but I still love the colours and it'll live in teh sewing room for when it gets a bit chilly


Jackie was over for a few days and we made some bits and pieces: I can't find photos of them all, but these zippy cases are great!  And we had a lovely time!

We taught at class at Chertsey museum: Christmas cushion covers (got to love a roll of Heat and Bond!)



Loads of lovely cushions!

I've been working on an "ocean inspired" challenge: a foundation paper pieced puffin.  He's nearly finished but annoyingly I've run out of grass, so I'm not sure where I am going next!

This Puffin however worked out much better - he's needle felted!

This is the finished (?) denim jacket I was making on a hoody 'net'.  I took it to Richmond and Kew and my friend Jane has taken it to add some buttons!  The patched denim was donated by Cherille . . . it's becoming a group project!

This was a group project too: all the blocks were make by Richmond and Kew members . . . 

and L was delighted to receive it

I made some felted birds

and some felted fairy lights

and the rainbow wrap has reached the right size so is ready to be quilted - if anyone knows where I have put the bag of pearle threads please can you let me know!

2024 November

I'm working on a great project with Chertsey Museum: they have been collecting memories of Chertsey Hospital, including inviting people ...