Welcome to a quick whiz through my October: not quite in chronological order that's to Bloogers random processes, but here we go!
We had a "World Café" even at the community coffee morning - loads of people came. The preschool is collecting children's pyjamas for a charity that wants to give a new pair to every child in hospital over Christmas. Three of us wore of PJs for the coffee morning to promote it (we collected 18 pairs!)
I have finally finished my poncho shawl thing: a bit bigger than I expected, and rather warm, but I still love the colours and it'll live in teh sewing room for when it gets a bit chilly
Jackie was over for a few days and we made some bits and pieces: I can't find photos of them all, but these zippy cases are great! And we had a lovely time!
We taught at class at Chertsey museum: Christmas cushion covers (got to love a roll of Heat and Bond!)
Loads of lovely cushions!
I've been working on an "ocean inspired" challenge: a foundation paper pieced puffin. He's nearly finished but annoyingly I've run out of grass, so I'm not sure where I am going next!
This Puffin however worked out much better - he's needle felted!
This is the finished (?) denim jacket I was making on a hoody 'net'. I took it to Richmond and Kew and my friend Jane has taken it to add some buttons! The patched denim was donated by Cherille . . . it's becoming a group project!
This was a group project too: all the blocks were make by Richmond and Kew members . . .
and L was delighted to receive it
and some felted fairy lights
and the rainbow wrap has reached the right size so is ready to be quilted - if anyone knows where I have put the bag of pearle threads please can you let me know!