Tuesday, October 15, 2024

SLIK and Quick Papoose Pouch

 I blogged about this in September, but I have a few photos and some instructions so I have added them here

Download the template here

1.    Cut out green line template

  1. Stack lining fabric (right side up), then outer fabric (right side down), then wadding)
  2. Pin template to the stack and sew the fabric as close as poss to the green lines
  3. Trim wadding back to minimum (see separate instructions for open / turning section)
  4. (Open section: carefully trim wadding to a straight line level with the sides )
  5. Most seams: Trim fabric to scant ¼ inch, snip internal/concave corners and trim external corners
  6. (Open section: finger press fabric to continue straight line)
  7. Turn right side out, carefully poke corners as much as possible without damaging them.  Tack opening closed
  8. Suggested quilt lines as shown in diagram below to ease folding (more quilting can be done as decoration if required)
  9. Preparing to sew: Use ladder stitch to sewing lining closed.  see photo photo below
  10. Fold “hood”  so triangles meet, and fold “body” so stars meet and pentagons meet to create a tube.  Clip in place.  Check
  11. When sewing the hood, leave a 5mm opening at the circle (it might be easier to add the thong before you sew?). 
  12. When sewing the body make a tube.  Then  LEAVE A 5ml GAP AT THE STAR CORNER and carry on stitching to the end (you might find it easier to insert the thong before closing the gap)
  13. Turn right side out and use ladder stitch to sew outer fabric closed in the same way, leave gaps at circle and heart.  You can now remove the tacking stitches
  14. Cut 20” of thong, thread the bobbin on.
  15. Push the two ends into the circle (hood) opening from outside, pull both ends as far as they will go
  16. Push the two ends into the heart (toes) opening from the outside. Check the thong is not twisted.  Reach inside and tie the thong ends into a loop knot
Stage 9, ladder stitch lining together.  NB I have inserted the thong before stitching on this sample - I think this might be easier.  I stitched both lining and outer from outside, but before the thong is in place the pouch is reversible 

lining as seen from the inside

Then do the same for the outer fabric

This pic shows the ladder stitch while it is loose

And this show it starting to be pulled tight

I thought you might like to see why I think of it as a papoose!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

2024 September

 Hello again, I hope you are well

At Chertsey we made papoose pouches: I called them this as they made me think of a papoose for a Native American baby.  These are based on a design I saw on Facebook but it bugged me that it wasn't symmetrical so I redrafted it.  If you want the instruction PDF click here

My crochet project has been restarted a number of times, but I'm finally really pleased with the result, except I don't have enough wool!  Mr Amazon has been dispatched to get me some more, but for now I have to wait 

However the red to go with this bright rainbow yarn has arrived so I have started this.  However I doubt my ability to maintain the slight offsetedness each line so this needs to be frogged and restarted!

I haven't done much making myself, but friends and I made willow stars and lavender pouches

and generally had a great time on a girly weekend away (we worked out we've known each other for over 35 years!)

Back to the papoose pouches: I gave Plum the instructions on Monday and by Tuesday she's made this!

Hopefully more making next month!

SLIK and Quick Papoose Pouch

 I blogged about this in September, but I have a few photos and some instructions so I have added them here Download the template here 1.   ...